4 Way Stretch Print Nylon Spandex Fabric By The Yard Tricot Swim Wear Bikini Active Wear Floral Vinatge Daisy Floral Multicolor Blue Salmon
OUR CURRENT TURNAROUND TIME IS 1-3 BUSINESS DAYS | that means that your order will ship about 1-3 BUSINESS DAYS after you order. It will then be shipped via USPS. Due to how busy they are, USPS is running slower than usual these days and experiencing delays. Some packages are arriving in three days and some not for three weeks. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT OUR SHOP IS NOT USPS AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SHIPPING TIMES ONCE AN ITEM IS PICKED UP AND SAYS “PRE-TRANSIT” OR “IN TRANSIT.” We will make sure your order ships within the proper processing times, but after that, it is in the hands of the post office. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING AND BEING PATIENT WITH SMALL BUSINESSES, AND USPS DURING THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES.